Halloween – Party in a Bag & Parade

On Wednesday, October 31st our classroom will be hosting our costume party to celebrate Halloween!  I have sent home a brown paper bag that your child can decorate at home if he or she wishes to do so. I am requesting your help to fill this “party bag” for your child.  The contents of the bag will be their treat for the party. This replaces the need for families to send in treats for the whole class and ensures that your child is eating the amount of food and the and type of food that you have approved. Please ensure that all items are nut free.

Our parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. Please send your child to school in his or her costume. Just a friendly reminder that  weapons and props are to be left at home. If your child does not want to wear a costume at school they could always wear black and orange. Parents are welcome to watch the parade from the gym or at the back of the school (playground).

I am looking forward to a fun day!
